Click 2 Call Feature

Engage Online Visitors and Drive Conversions with Click2Call

Businesses are fighting a cut-throat competition to boost their revenue. It is no longer tough to design and launch a service or a product. The real challenge lies in acquiring and retaining customers, and ultimately driving sales. Enable Click2Call Function on your website, and you can dramatically enhance better engagements and conversion rates.

Peshey Airticketing Virtual Call Center Application offers a prompt and powerful Click2Call functionality for your website or mobile app so that you can assist your customers/clients throughout their journey. Our Click2Call Service not only boosts customer experience, but also aids agents to deliver quick solutions to the customer queries.

  • Quick Contact ability takes away the hassle for the customer and keeps them engaged to the website without getting distracted.

  • Trust is another crucial factor for your customers to trade online. When they have human assistance within their reach with just a click, they trust your brand!

  • All-time Availability lets your prospects connect with you at will. Never miss a sales opportunity just because nobody was present to attend the call. With Click2Call feature, you'll be able to capture their essential details and schedule a call in the office hours.


We are happy to help with any partner questions if you are looking for more information about the partner program.